Mission Road Ministries

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Host Companion Care

An older man smiling reading a news paperWe are all living longer and better. This goes for both ‘typical” adults and adults with IDD (intellectual and/or developmental disabilities). Many aging adults prefer to live in their own homes with family members or live with non-relatives in a Host Companion Family (formerly Foster Family) well into their senior years.

Parents caring for adult children with IDD often prefer to keep their child at home as opposed to alternative living arrangements such as moving them to a community home, apartment, or nursing home. Likewise, there are many loving Texas families who have chosen to welcome a non-relative adult with IDD into their home to join in their family activities.

Texas Health and Human Services (HHS) make it possible for adults with IDD to live with their biological family or non-relatives, and the cost to Texas taxpayers is about 1/3 the cost associated with “Group Home” expenses billed through Medicaid. The IRS also allows families to claim those funds as non-reportable/non-taxable. Mission Road is honored to participate as a provider of Adult Host Companion Care (formerly Foster Care).

Our Mission Road Host Companion Care program partners with families to provide professional training, oversight, and often immediate and urgent assistance. We help families and caregivers create and maintain a safe home environment where adults with IDD can flourish socially, emotionally, and physically.

What assistance is provided in Adult Host Companion Care?

  • Meal preparation
  • Medication management
  • Social interaction & activities
  • Transportation services
  • Personal care (toileting, bathing, dressing)
  • Aid in daily recreational & vocational activities

What’s the first step?

Establishing and running a Host Companion Home for an adult family member with IDD or a non-relative adult with IDD is a major responsibility – complete with financial and regulatory responsibilities and obligations.

When deciding to consider Adult Host Companion Care, potential families are encouraged to contact Mission Road through our Program Interest Form below.

Read 2024 HCS/ICF General Informational Brochure

Program Interest Form

If you are interested in one of our services for your loved one, start by contacting AACOG (Alamo Area Council of Governments) to begin the screening and assessment process to determine if your client or loved one qualifies for IDD services. Once this is completed, you can fill out our interest form below and a Mission Road program director will reach out to you to determine which programs might be appropriate and available.

  • (Please check all that apply)